The AI4Media project – funded by the European Union – has announced the fruitful launch of the International Artificial Intelligence Doctoral Academy (AIDA). Kicked off in November 2021 it already counts with 73 top Artificial Intelligence (AI) members, from excellent European Universities as well as research institutes and companies.
Founded by the joint collaboration of five European-funded projects (AI4Media, VISION, ELISE, HumanE-AI Net, and TAILOR), AIDA is fostering Ph.D. education excellence in AI through the involvement of their leading European AI partners. AIDA’s scope is pan-European and international, it is the first academy of its kind in Europe and beyond aiming to become a world reference for AI Ph.D. studies. This effort has strong momentum, as manifested by the 20 new Members that joined AIDA in the last 4 months.
AIDA is therefore attaining a critical mass to have a large impact on AI academic education, industry workforce upskilling and in addressing very important social challenges. These challenges range from the fight against disinformation to the provision of a human-centered and trustworthy AI that serves not only European citizens, but humanity in general.
It also aims to ensure European strategic autonomy in AI technology, which has a big potential socio-economic impact, and to reinforce Europe’s assets in AI, by benefiting from its world-class researcher community that stays at the forefront of AI developments. AIDA has the potential to form a common AI resource center and become a shared facility offering access to knowledge and expertise and attracting talented researchers as well as creating an easy entry point to AI excellence in Europe.
Additionally, AIDA is boosting a much-needed link between AI and humanities towards creating an anthropocentric (human-centered) European brand of AI that serves citizens worldwide. AIDA is also building an educational sildenafilo cinfa 50 mg momentum to cater to the ever-growing societal and industrial needs towards a strong, rich, human-centric, and democratic world.
AIDA is coordinated by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece that is proudly named after Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher that founded Logic and Ethics, which both are at the core of AI.
See more details in: https://www.i-aida.org/